Empty Sandbags - UV Treated Sand Bags for Sandbagging and Flood Control
Empty Sandbags - UV Treated Sand Bags for Sandbagging and Flood Control
eSandbags are the strongest, most durable sandbags on the market. Made from premium woven polypropylene, these bags are designed to withstand the toughest conditions. They have a 1600 hr UVI rating in the sun.
eSandbags are also incredibly versatile. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including flood control, erosion control, and construction. They're also great for DIY projects around the house.
eSandbags are easy to use. Simply fill them with sand, tie them closed, and stack them up. They're also easy to transport, so you can take them with you wherever you need them.
If you're looking for the best sandbags on the market, look no further than eSandbags. They're strong, durable, versatile, and easy to use.
Empty polypropylene sandbags are 14x26", 1600 uv treated, with a tie string attached (yellow or white, depending upon stock). Used in erosion control, flood protection, traffic control and as ballast, this bag is as versatile as it is affordable.
Using sandbags is a simple, but effective way to avoid or reduce flood water damage. Properly filled and placed sandbags can act as a barrier to divert moving water around, instead of through, buildings. Sandbag construction doesn't guarantee a water-tight seal, but is satisfactory to be used in most situations. Sandbags are also used successfully to avoid overtopping of streams with levees, and for training current flows to specific areas.
For Bulk Empty Sandbags and Sandbags For Flooding shop here for the best prices!